Sponsors & Donations
Your interest in sponsoring the Cerulean Project signifies a commitment to not just supporting art, but also championing mental health awareness – and for that, we thank you.
Sponsors play an integral role in our mission. Your support allows us to make our annual art book – a treasure trove of global artistry and vital mental health resources – accessible to as many people as possible. Publishing costs can be daunting, especially for a high page count book like ours. With your aid, we can defray these costs, get the book into more hands, and donate more proceeds to The Trevor Project.
We offer several sponsorship options, each with unique benefits ranging from advertising spots throughout the project to branded merchandise and complimentary copies of our art book. There are four distinct sponsorship tiers to cater to different levels of involvement and budget. Explore the options and find the one that best aligns with your vision and values.
If you have any questions or wish to proceed with a sponsorship, please get in touch. Our Head of Sponsorships will gladly guide you through the next steps.
Thank you for considering joining us on this important journey. Together, we can inspire through art, educate about mental health, and make a real difference.

Sponsorship FAQ
Sponsorships help us with the production cost of the books so that we can raise even more money for the charity program we support each year which is The Trevor Project. If we surpass out goal, it can also help with shipping costs. The book not only showcases the artists work from around the world but contains all the mental health information shared over the eight weeks making it a great tool for those who purchase the book. All profits from the sale of the books is donated at the end of the year. Last year we raised over $3500.
Anyone interested in helping the project by covering production costs and supporting the organization we raise donations for each year. This project is designed in a multi-fold aspect, it ranges from changing the narrative around mental health to showcasing art offline in a format that is easier to share with loved ones to raising funds for an organization that helps kids and teens with mental health services. There are many other attributes such as providing a safe space and being an ally for marginalized communities and minorities. So we are open to anyone who believes and wants to support our efforts.
We have 4 different tiers as you can see above. Each of these tiers have different price points and offerings that come with it. Everything except for the Type B tier will get a certain amount of co-branded advertisements over the course of the show. Other perks are branded clothing, free books, video shout-outs, and more.
There are many avenues of reach when it comes to the cerulean project. They range from the 1000s of posts sharing the #ceruleanproject along with 3500+ followers to an international audience. We have over 150 participants from all over the world, more than 18 countries who participate each year. The team is currently working on securing more analytics to better showcase the reach from a traditional standpoint.
That is great to hear, next steps would be setting up a call to discuss any questions and go over asset needs from our end. Sign a general contract, send payment and then we are off to showcase your support via our ad space and shout-outs.
Yes you can, but the offerings aren’t going to serve you as they would as a company. If you care about being advertised as a sponsor we can discuss the best approach to that and how we can go about the design. If you don’t care and just want to support then great, we also advise just making a donation directly to The Trevor Project. We are not a NPO, so sponsorships are sold as advertisements.